Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Shuffle Board

So I realized I never posted any pictures from our family beach trip. Which could partly be because I didn't take very many candids. Crazy & not at all like me, I know. Below are a few photo's from when we played "family" shuffle board. Which translates to my Dad enjoying beating everyone by at least 50 points. I was experimenting with different aspects of the camera so they are a little artsy fartsy. (Can I say fartsy & still sound professional?) Eh.

(Ah, look! It's me. High five to my sister for actually making sure I was in a couple of photos.
ps - I have frizzy beach hair!)

PS - A few extras from the backseat of my car while we were
waiting in the super walmart parking lot at the beach.

Meet my brother Corey & his girlfriend Hayley.
The below pictures embody the two of them perfectly. LOL.



Aaron Hale Photography | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | Dandy Dandilion Designed by Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates