Saturday, August 16, 2008


Jonathan & Lisa called me on Tuesday night to see if I could watch Gabby while they're band played at a local youth group. Of course I said yes & of course I took my camera along. Gabby is such a sweet happy baby & I always enjoy the time I get to spend with her & her fabulous parents (who's love for her is apparent in some of the photos I have tucked away where she has lipstick prints on her cheek, lol.)

**photos are huge, i know. flickr is being a pain so i used photobucket & can't for the life of me figure out how to make them smaller. :\







Jessica | for | Capture Photography said...

ok, first of all, SO CUTE. secondly, try this:

resize your images to 2x3 with 300 ppi. then upload them to flickr, go to all sizes and use the original image size (should be like 900x600 or something like that. i just tried it this morning and FINALLY got the size in between gianormous and not so big. you may have to tweak the margins or wrapper of your main post area too...not sure.

let me know if that works! ok....time for church....

bonniesbluestar said...

No more Photobucket!! the Pictures won't load at work for me to see them!!


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